Avec Pharma
Professionals with a passion

We are a Polish pharmaceutical company founded in 2010.

We specialize in the production and sale of dietary supplements, medical devices and cosmetics.

AVEC Pharma are professionals with passion. People who have many years of experience and specialist knowledge. The Avec Pharma team is a guarantee of the highest quality products.


Our products contain raw materials of the highest quality

Laboratory tests

Each product is subject to many tests of quality and purity


We use modern technical solutions and patented technologies


Safe and proven efficacy products


Our priority is the patient and his health. Each of our product is of the highest quality, is safe, modern and has a proven efficacy. The efficient and smooth functioning of the quality control system is the foundation of our business activity.


Our goal is dynamic and constant development of the company by developing new products and improving existing ones. We constantly expand the offer by selecting the highest quality products with documented efficacy. We always take into account the constantly changing market environment, expectations and needs of our customers. We build a new quality which is combined with innovative solutions, health support and improveness of the quality of life.

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